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Discover your diabetes Medicare coverage options.

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According to the American Diabetes Association, people with diabetes incur an average medical expense of $16,752 per year. The largest factors of these medical expenses are hospitalization, prescription medications to treat diabetes complications, diabetes supplies, and physician office visits.

Medicare Coverage
Generally, Medicare Part B and Part D covers the services and supplies required for diabetes management. Senior Care Benefit is here to help you better understand Medicare and Diabetes coverage.

Medicare Part B covers diabetes screening (fasting blood glucose test). Medicare covers two diabetes screenings every year for beneficiaries who are at high-risk of developing diabetes. Additionally, Medicare Part B covers foot exams every six months. Medicare Part B also covers certain durable medical equipment, including an external insulin pump, blood sugar testing monitors, blood sugar test strips, and blood sugar control solutions.

Medicare Part D covers insulin, a prescription drug used to control diabetes. However, please take note that Medicare Part D doesn’t cover insulin when it is administered with an insulin pump, in which case it will be covered by Medicare Part B as durable medical equipment.

Consult an Expert
Contact us at 702-900-4537 if you have any inquiries regarding this plan.